Monday 21 March 2011

And two more

I always find that a little light travelling tends to speed up my reading, and consequentially a trip over to Belfast last week helped me consume at least one extra book!

Incidentally, I have also managed to tick off one of those life events that everyone should try and do.
1) Drink Guinness in Ireland
2) Go to Ireland for St Patricks day
3) Drink Guinnessin Ireland on St Patricks day.

I can now tick this off my life list, and if I die tomorrow, Je ne rien pas.
As I think they say.

So onto Books

The Woods. Harlen Coben

This is now the third Harlen Coben book that I have reviewed, and as a consequence, I now realise his motif.

OMG! Someone in the past is dead! I used to be a suspect!
A series of unexplained events mean that we dig up the past ( In this case literally)
Nothing, and no one are quite what they seem!
Even when you think they are!
One more twist and everything is solved... or is it....

Classic, and somewhat entertaining detective fiction. On reflection, you could easily see this spun into a 90 minute TV movie.... although judging by Tell No One... ( see the plot synopsis above) it could be the next big thing to go and watch at the cinema!
Worth a read, if you're not looking to be stretched too far..

One Shot. Lee Childs

Firstly, i want to blame my Mum for my recent bout of detective crime reading. Last Christmas she bought me 61 hours, at the time the latest of the Jack Reacher novels.
Now in fairness, I wouldn't put me down as enjoying a book about an ex military policeman, now living on the road. he doesn't really solve crimes, rather he stumbles into crimes and eventually kills everyone involved.
It explains why he is on the road.

One shot must be the 8th ish book in the series, and I'm nearly up to date. As much as I hate to admit it, I really enjoy this series. I read them on planes, for some reason, and i can finish a book in a 3-4 hr return flight.
They are great! Just a bit rougher, more action packed than Harlen Coben's and the crimes are just a bit less formulaic. Sure every book pretty much ends up in a Mexican stand off, but so do most of my days..

Well recommended. Again, don't expect to be challenged too much, however, good to read.
Go find a copy.

Wednesday 9 March 2011

Rebus and More - the missing Blog

Just checking my Blog to find I'm writing some things then not posting them!

d'oh...This was written a month or so ago, and saved as a Draft!!!!!

Rebus and More

This year I continue on my quest to review - in my own particular style, all the books I read this year.

Two more to add to the list this time.... Firstly:

Knots and Crosses Ian Rankin

This is the first in the Inspector Rebus series, the best selling, world acclaimed Scottish detective series. Personally, I've never read any of them - actually - thats not strictly true, I found one in a charity shop on holiday some years ago. I don't even remember what it was called. It was alright!

Ok - not a glowing, or detailed review. This however prompted my quest to read all of the books in chronological order. I'm doing the same with the Lee Childs books as well - although they have taken a bit of a back burner so far this year. probably after over dosing on them in the latter half of 2010.

Anyway - I'm sure I'll write about those as the year continues. Back to the point.

Knots and Crosses, Ian Rankin.

This is a book to give heart and hope to all would be writers. Anyone who has ever dreamt that one day they would see their book critically acclaimed, and sitting in the top ten list in Waterstones should read this book.

Knots and crosses is a very average, and uninspiring Scottish detective thriller. Its quite a slow read,it doesn't really engage you as the reader, and ultimately is pretty disappointing. It soo very 1980's content. Which is fine, since it was 1987.

So take heart budding authors.... from such humble beginnings came the legend that is Rebus. Read it and take heart.

The Final Empire. Brandon Sanderson

I suppose, for me, reading and reviewing crime fiction is slightly unfair, since my first love will always be epic fantasy. Give me a book with a hero and a magic sword, and I'm happy. The longer the better.

Earlier in the year, I read the Towers of Midnight,the latest in the Robert Jordan series. As you may know, Robert Jordan tragically died a few years back, and Brandon Sanderson took the series over using Robert Jordan's extensive notes. I'd been a massive Fan of the series since I was 15, and was very impressed by Sanderson's handling of the series. This Journey led me to The Final Empire.

This is the first book in the Mistborn trilogy

The Final Empire is a very interesting book - it has a wealth of elements which are embedded in traditional fantasy law - the Heroine, raised by strangers, who discovers that she has immense magical powers. The all powerful dark lord who is general evil, omnipotent and a bit unpleasant. The quirky crew of misfits bought together to save the day.

Yet, Brandon employs some nice, refreshing devices. The Allomancy - a magic system that attributes magical powers with the ingestion and "burning" of metal Alloys to create powers is really interesting.
He is also not afraid to be bold, and there are some strong idea twists - some which are bold, all of which are clearly signposted.

Well worth a read. Going off to find the next book now...